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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 635-855

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Boundary and Interior Layer Phenomena for Singularly Perturbed Systems

Walter G. Kelley

pp. 635-641

Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems and a Priori Bounds on Solutions

P. W. Eloe and Johnny Henderson

pp. 642-647

Perturbation of Periodic Boundary Conditions

Lawrence Turyn

pp. 648-655

A Prüfer Transformation for Liénard's Equation

Donald C. Benson

pp. 656-669

On the Existence of a Free Boundary for a Class of Reaction-Diffusion Systems

J. Ildefonso Diaz and Jesus Hernandez

pp. 670-685

On the Behavior of the Solutions to the Lamm Equation of the Ultracentrifuge

Atsushi Yoshikawa

pp. 686-711

On the Eigenvalues of a Certain Integral Equation

B. F. Logan

pp. 712-717

Fourier Inversion of the Attenuated X-Ray Transform

Andrew Markoe

pp. 718-722

Decomposition of Hardy Functions into Square Integrable Wavelets of Constant Shape

A. Grossmann and J. Morlet

pp. 723-736

Starlike and Prestarlike Hypergeometric Functions

B. C. Carlson and Dorothy B. Shaffer

pp. 737-745

The QD-Algorithm for Padé-Approximants in Operator Theory

Annie A. M. Cuyt

pp. 746-752

Restrictions of Normal Operators, Padé Approximation and Autoregressive Time Series

George Cybenko

pp. 753-767

Product Formulas of Watson, Bailey and Bateman Types and Positivity of the Poisson Kernel for $q$-Racah Polynomials

George Gasper and Mizan Rahman

pp. 768-789

Generalized Chebyshevian Splines

G. Nürnberger, L. L. Schumaker, M. Sommer, and H. Strauss

pp. 790-804

Formulas for Elementary Spherical Functions and Generalized Jacobi Polynomials

Lars Vretare

pp. 805-833

A Sequence of Piecewise Orthogonal Polynomials

Y. Y. Feng and D. X. Qi

pp. 834-844

Technique for Evaluating Indefinite Integrals Involving Products of Certain Special Functions

Jean C. Piquette and A. L. Van Buren

pp. 845-855